NeuroLogix began with a vision to improve brain health by perfecting the technology used to conduct neurologic performance evaluations and to make this technology available to all.
Assessing neurological performance traditionally has been more art than science, individul performance is not usually measured, low performance results rarely reveal any reasons through imaging, symptoms are masked from those endeavoring to drive imptovment in the subjects performance.
Data reveals the truth: NeuroLogix developed a system that measures the scope and magnitude of various neurologic performance. Our system uses an iPad and sophisticated algorithms to create a neurological baseline for a patient. These baselines are used to compare assessments over time and track the changes in performance.
Better insights into brain health
Better data leads to better treatment. Our mission is to develop technologies that improve brain health by quantifying neurologic information and providing clearer data to health care professionals . NeuroLogix strives to raise the bar for neurologic assessments that levels the playing field through ubiquitous technology that's accessible to everyone.
Technology that extends beyond the field
With nearly 4 million sports-related brain injuries per year, the need for NeuroLogix's technology is clear. NeuroLogix provides researchers with a "new game plan" for the monitoring of athletes neurologic performance.
Off the playing field, our technology has the potential to play a critical role in clinical trials, measuring mobility changes for patients suffering from other neurological conditions. Furthermore NeuroLogix's technology can be used within military and first responder applications to better assess neurologic performnace.
"Our priority is the safety of our athletes, and judging when someone is OK to play is one of the hardest parts of our jobs. Sometimes it’s the little impacts that can cause the biggest injuries."
- Don McPhillips, head athletic trainer, John Carroll University
The C3Logix Product Suite

C3Logix and the Logix Cloud
A concussion is an injury affecting the brain, induced by direct or indirect biochemical forces. A concussed patient is at risk of long-term heath effects, such as loss of memory, cognitive, and other degenerative impairments, unless their injury is quickly and accurately identified and managed. Second and third injuries are likely to be more severe, can take longer to recover from, can cause permanent brain damage and increase risk of retirement from sports.
The C3Logix System removes the guesswork by visualizing any raw data collected. used for monitoring neurologic perfromance improvement while collecting contectual data on improvement plan adherance through a phased six step process.
C3 Research: A platform for exploration of neurologix performance
Build on the success of the C3 System, NeuroLogix has expanded the original platform for use as a broader data collection tool for neurologic and mental health performance paramters.
C3 Military: Performance improvment and field diagnostics
For use with the military, NeuroLogix has developed an iteration of the core C3 system currently under evaluation.
Ready to learn more about NeuroLogix and what we do?
Contact Us at
NeuroLogix Technologies, Inc
Cleveland Clinic Global Innovations Center
10000 Cedar Avenue, Ste #3-160
Cleveland, OH 44106
Contact Us at
NeuroLogix Technologies, Inc
Cleveland Clinic Global Innovations Center
10000 Cedar Avenue, Ste #3-160
Cleveland, OH 44106